Whilst recently using the DynDNS Community Forum, I was struck by how similar the interface was to that of Stack Exchange. I assumed that DynDNS were using Stack Exchange for the community forum, like Ask Ubuntu. I was however surprised to find that they are using a service called Qato. I visited Qato and found no reference to Stack Exchange there, and there was very little other information either, such as pricing and licensing model. There's just an "if you're interested, contact us" type of statement.
So what is Stack Exchange's relationship to Qato, if any?
Is Qato another Stack Exchange service or is it licensed Stack Exchange?
Is Qato completely separate from Stack Exchange?
If Qato is completely separate from Stack Exchange, is the Stack Exchange team aware of Qato. Qato seems almost identical to Stack Exchange, can a company do this, can they pretty much copy another service, does Stack Exchange not have to copyright or some other type of legal protection against this?