Currently users get a single re-open vote for the lifetime of a question, and that re-open vote will expire in 4 days. This 4-day limit can be extended if someone else votes to re-open within that 4 days, however this only resets the 4-day timer and once it expires, all votes expire at a rate of 1-per-day.
I find this makes it extremely hard to get a question re-opened on other SE sites. The smaller sites aren't like SO: you can't post on meta and expect a large number of 3K+ users to see your question, review it, and hopefully vote to re-open with you.
To add to my frustration, I am usually on Programmers.SE, where the site scope changed rather dramatically after the site was initially launched. It switched from being focused on programmers, to being focused on software development, and question standards and on-topic definitions became much stricter. The end result is a large number of good questions/answers got closed because they are written in a way that was on-topic a year or two ago, but are defined as off-topic, not-constructive, or too much like a poll now.
I made some attempts at editing some questions to bring them on-topic to salvage them, but I am having an extremely hard time getting questions re-opened. Most of the moderators seem to prefer to sit back and let the community decide if a question should be re-opened or not, however I am finding it extremely difficult to find 3k+ rep users who are active and have not already voted to re-open some of these questions in the past.
I've been a member of SE sites sites for almost two years, and have over 30k rep between sites, however I wasn't aware of the limitations on re-open votes until I saw another question with re-open votes and went to add mine, only to be told I had already voted to re-open the question in the past. If I had been aware of these limitations, I would have saved my reopen votes for when I see an actual effort made to re-open a question in meta, even though I don't think that's the correct way to use your re-open votes.
So please, can the smaller SE sites get one of the following added:
Ability to recast re-open votes once all reopen votes have expired - This would probably be my preferred choice
Ability to view total re-open vote counts on a question in SE data explorer - This could assist mods in seeing how many re-open votes a question has actually gotten, so we don't have to rely on getting five 3K+ rep users who haven't voted on the question before to all vote within a few days of each other.
An increased amount of time until re-open votes expire. SO has at about 35x the number of active users with re-open privileges than P.SE (which has a decent sized user base), so 35x4 would be 140 days. I realize this may seem to be an unreasonably large # of days on SO, so perhaps 30 days can be considered. The smaller sites get way less traffic than SO, and I have never seen an older question get re-opened by the community. I have seen a handful of new ones get re-opened by 5 votes (I could count on one hand the times I've seen this happen in the past 2 years), but I've never seen older ones reopened by the community.
Change the 100-views requirement before reopen votes expire to be 100 views since the first re-open vote was cast. It would be preferred if they could be 100 views by people who have the ability to re-open the question. All this would really need is a field to store the current view count that gets populated when the first re-open vote gets cast, and only make votes expire if
questionViews - countWhenReopenCast > 100
Lower the number of votes required to reopen questions. This might not be such a bad idea, both for reopen and close votes. I was just realizing that a large percentages of our questions get closed by moderators, so perhaps having a lower vote requirement would reduce the amount of work our moderators have to do and allow the community to feel more involved. I would much rather see a question closed by members of the community instead of 0-3 members of the community + 1 mod.
I want to be clear that I do not want to change anything on SO. The current rules seem fine for SO.
Instead, I'd like to change things on the smaller sites, where I find it extremely hard to reopen a question without getting a moderator involved, and the moderators often prefer to defer to the community on questions they aren't sure of.