If you have 20,000+ reputation on a site and have been using your delete votes to clean up non-answers/low quality answers, this workflow is probably familiar:
- Find a 0-scored answer that should be deleted.
- Down-vote the answer to enable the delete option.
- Refresh the page.
- Click the delete button.
Or, worse yet, on the flagged posts and review pages:
- See a delete-worthy 0-scored answer.
- Click through to the question.
- Find the answer.
- Down-vote the answer to enable the delete option.
- Go back to the queue and refresh it (not entirely convinced this step is necessary for review stats tracking).
- Click the delete button.
While it may be a small bit of magic, it'd be great if instead delete votes counted as down-votes on 0-scored answers that the delete voter hasn't voted on.
The end result would be that 20,000+ reputation users would see the delete button on 0-scored answers, but when they press it, the system registers a down-vote at the same time as the delete vote, thus satisfying the requirements of the delete vote (that the post be negatively scored).
Something like this would alleviate the nuisance for something I'm just going to vote to delete anyway.