Though I never quite understood what those numbers were and they were quite ugly, they were the only reason I ever visited the reviews page.
Can we have similar functionality back on the top bar please?
Though I never quite understood what those numbers were and they were quite ugly, they were the only reason I ever visited the reviews page.
Can we have similar functionality back on the top bar please?
After giving users some time to get used to the top bar and some time to accumulate data about review behavior (hattip to Gilles), we've realized that removing the suggested edits indicator was doing more harm than good. It's been added back to the top bar for all users who have access to the suggested edit queue (2k rep).
This is, however, a temporary measure. We can and should be doing more to get people into all review queues, not just the suggested edits queue. That becomes a much larger project, however, and I'd like to take a few weeks to work out an intelligent solution to that broader problem. Since suggested edits are already kind of languishing, though, I don't want to make that problem worse while we're scheming about grander things.
TL;DR: The suggested edit count will go back in for now, but it may change as part of a broader review notification system sometime after the new year.
Update: We now replace the suggested edit count in the top bar with the number of pending reviews for 10k users and diamond moderators. On Stack Overflow, we are currently excluding the Close Vote queue from that, but hopefully we can put it back in once we can control its size a bit better.
Another reason to bring back the suggested edit indicator is that on smaller sites (i.e. not on SO), the suggested edit indicator is often 0. So a lot of people with the requisite privilege don't keep checking the review queue, they wait for the indicator to appear. Without the indicator, suggested edit reviews will be significantly delayed.
This is not good. Suggested edit review is not like other review tasks which can wait until somebody's interested in doing moderation. A pending suggested edit on a post locks the post against modifications by users without the edit privilege. Without the indicator, posts will spend longer in that semi-locked state.
At least the suggested edit indicator should be immediately visible, at least on sites other than SO.
Here's some data on suggested edit review speed. Methodology: I computed the average time between the submission and the approval or rejection of suggested edits over a 1-week period, or over 100 consecutive suggested edits on the few sites that received more than 100 per week. I measured three 1-week period: the week since the top bar went live (it's been a week today, except on MSO and AU; I excluded AU and took the date of the top bar introduction as a reference on MSO), the week before, and the week before. I chose weeks to avoid effects related to the time of day or day of week, and show two weeks before to get a small idea of the variance. For each period, the table below gives the average delay in minutes (rounded down) and the number of suggested edits that this averages over. The last column expresses the new-top-bar value as a percentage of the old-top-bar value (e.g. 100% means no change, 200% means that reviews take twice as long). I only looked at sites with at least 7.75 questions per day, because slower sites tend not to have a statistically significant sample of suggested edits. (7.75 is where the API throttled me out…) I then filtered out sites where there weren't at least 10 suggested edits during the weeks concerned.
avg(mn) cnt avg(mn) cnt avg(mn) cnt
site before^2 before after
webmasters 13 35 9 15 5 10 45%
stackoverflow 6 100 5 100 4 97 74%
ux 60 12 51 19 42 32 75%
android 64 16 57 23 52 21 85%
physics 48 52 40 54 45 54 100%
webapps 245 26 166 23 229 17 111%
drupal 72 28 41 30 65 28 115%
gaming 22 97 28 82 32 88 128%
wordpress 29 49 20 24 32 37 131%
mathematica 15 31 35 20 35 34 139%
magento 68 15 71 16 122 16 175%
superuser 59 100 65 100 111 99 179%
security 37 39 58 26 93 51 193%
electronics 25 52 18 38 46 45 213%
math 8 100 12 100 22 98 214%
mathoverflow 18 38 22 28 43 29 214%
apple 55 100 53 48 123 72 227%
programmers 30 36 28 30 67 40 229%
dba 142 16 167 20 382 14 247%
meta.stackoverflow 10 46 12 54 28 59 255%
tex 4 61 5 52 11 76 256%
gis 31 47 34 41 84 28 259%
codereview 36 17 19 17 91 12 328%
scifi 47 36 57 23 177 29 338%
stats 13 57 25 31 68 43 358%
unix 26 100 16 100 78 99 373%
crypto 29 27 48 15 150 8 389%
english 24 50 17 43 89 55 424%
sharepoint 38 23 32 20 158 22 450%
serverfault 68 80 50 97 292 72 497%
diy 72 10 26 12 280 13 569%
bitcoin 129 58 265 46 1319 30 670%
movies 22 22 37 15 241 11 813%
Conclusion: on most sites, there was an increase in the time it took for suggested edits to be reviewed. On more than half the sites, the time more than doubled.
The disappearance of the suggested edit indicator is the only change that I can think of to explain this significant increase.
We need it back.
more frequently than I used to just to see if there are pending edits, but I don't intend to keep doing this forever.
Dec 12, 2013 at 10:32
I'd prefer for the indicator to be shown in the bar - I don't want to have to go dig for it.
Some mockups, in order of what I think looks best first:
I don't want to have to go dig for it.
- This is important. Out of sight is as bad as not there at all.
Dec 5, 2013 at 16:10
To make it consistent with the other top bar parts, I would just make the "review" change color when there are new suggested edits waiting for review:
And tooltip showing how many of those are available.
In ideal world, I would like to see the "review" open into a list of queues, but that's still far away.
With reference to my question, I'm sharing my thoughts.
Currently there is only Review option where there is notification like before. So here is my feature-request, of adding dropdown for Review option. Which includes the options like
1. 10k Tools
2. Suggested Edits
Here is screenshot of my proposal.
menu because all the options in new top bar are dropdowns
(achievements, inbox, help, profile) and hence to have a common appearance I suggested dropdown.
I wrote a user script that can put the review count in if you are running Firefox with Greasemonkey extension or Chrome with Tampermonkey: