I am about to start a new research project, and want to ask/poll the community on what technology stacks they think I should use beyond ones that I would provide and explain. Where can I ask my software engineering question, preferable on Stack exchange, as I like the portfolio and community?


1 Answer 1


I am about to start a new research project, and want to ask/poll the community on what technology stacks they think I should use.

These are shopping questions and do not fit the Q&A standard so they are not to be asked on any sites on the network.

  • 1
    At most the OP could try one of the chatrooms, if there is one that's particularly on-topic and the audience is willing to discuss such topics.
    – Bart
    Jan 15, 2014 at 21:29
  • 2
    Indeed. The Whiteboard chatroom over on Programmers might be a good choice for this – Software Engineering is generally on-topic there, although polling for recommendations isn't (but the rules are more relaxed in the chat).
    – amon
    Jan 15, 2014 at 21:54

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