After a sizeable amount of work we are releasing a new version of the mobile web site, this time focusing on the question and answer page. We have also fixed or implemented a minimal large part of the issues and requests mentioned in the previous refresher question.
Question and answer page
- SVG icons for upvote, downvote, favorite, comment upvote
- white background color for legibility
- general styling issues with notices (they actually exist now)
- bounty link is now in question menu (next to flag)
Ask question page
- general styling and sizing of element
- use of placeholders where appropriate instead of page text
- styling of error messages
- Popups are now inlined in the page instead of being sometimes floating and draggable
- Many overdue styling issues
- Close button is SVG
- Flag indicators are readable
- Buttons
Misc pages
- 404 page did not exist. Now it does.
- Login, logout are formatted
- Pre-ask and pre-answer warnings are now formatted
- made search magnifying glass bigger
- fixed language in user timeline so it's consistent with the desktop site
- added login link on top bar
- made topbar icons ever so slightly smaller
Restating the obvious: send your <3 to Pawel and Jin for the most excellent design!
Feedback , bugs and suggestions while we move to the next iteration?
Please mark bugs with mobile-web
Warning: this site is for Stack Exchange developers and staff - it is used for development and testing. To log in, you must have received an invitation email. Click the invitation link in the email to log in!
I want to see the latest and greatest :(mobile
in the footer.