Do you guys know a good way to search for older unanswered questions with no upvotes? I've already tried this:

answers:0 is:question closed:0

but gives the newest first; I want the opposite.

2 Answers 2


You can't search for "oldest" questions (other than paging to the end of newest), but you can search a date range, for example:

answers:0 is:question closed:0 created:2009..2010 would search questions created 2009-2010

Similarly there is a lastactive: which is when the question was last modified (edited, answered, etc.), like this:

answers:0 is:question closed:0 lastactive:2009..2010

Both of the above examples are links, click to see the results.

  • I guess that's the better approach. Thanks!
    – luchosrock
    Apr 11, 2013 at 14:56
  • Are there docs for the various keywords of stackoverflow search? Aug 17, 2019 at 23:43

Scroll down to the bottom of that page. Click on the really big number to the right of all the little numbers (immediately to the left of the "next").

  • ahahah I meant the fast "I could bookmark this link" way
    – luchosrock
    Apr 9, 2013 at 19:42

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