Who (or what) does the troll represent?

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  • 4
    Is the troll me? I think the troll is me. The troll is me, isn't it? The troll is me.
    – user1228
    Apr 1, 2016 at 16:57

4 Answers 4


Given their heads' resemblance to the classic troll face, I'd say they represent GnomeSlice generic internet trolls.


In fact, you, the player, represent Jon Skeet, the unicorn and the troll - the game reflects the fact that the vast majority of stack exchange users who are usually going around asking & answering questions(therefore gathering reps), can also be found casting flaming downvotes and trolling others occasionally.


It represents you (i.e., the user behind the player).

That is unless the player is Jon Skeet, in which case it represents this guy.


According to Adam Lear's answer to Who do the top scores refer to? on Gaming.SE, the trolls represent the top scorers in the leaderboard, but that means that they are also the employees of Stack Exchange.

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