I edited a question, and when I went to the versions page, I found this (possible) bug.

The original answer enter image description here

While in the previous versions page enter image description here

Notice the last line that starts with "in linux" is considered part of the code (have a gray shading) while in the question page it is not, and it shouldn't have that shading.

You can see the question answer mentioned in How do you install an APK file in the Android simulator?, Jorgesys's answer.


1 Answer 1


We have improved the revision diff algorithm.

We're currently testing it here on Meta; once we're certain there are no problems, it will go out to the other sites as well. Your example was one of those I tested, and it is handled correctly by the new version.

  • great , glad that my example helped
    – Ahmed Kotb
    Sep 7, 2011 at 19:28

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