If the answer to my question is true, does that mean Jon Skeet is the most experienced and intelligent programmer on Stack Overflow?
I only thought of this question from the Chuck Norris-style jokes made about him.
If the answer to my question is true, does that mean Jon Skeet is the most experienced and intelligent programmer on Stack Overflow?
I only thought of this question from the Chuck Norris-style jokes made about him.
No, it means more experience on Stack Overflow.
(And occasionally just lucky timing.)
No, it means Jon Skeet is an expert in his field and has spent a long time on Stack Overflow answering questions in large quantities.
There could still be more experienced and intelligent programmers on SO, but they haven't answered as many questions as Jon has. Moreover, if you are an expert on a less popular subject, you'll have fewer questions to give answers to, and fewer other users to give your answers votes.
Reputation is a measurement of how well your answers are appreciated, not how intelligent or experienced you are. Intelligence and experience help you write great answers, but is not the whole picture.
Sep 2, 2012 at 11:04
days, but there are many more c#
questions to reap reputation on.
Sep 2, 2012 at 11:06
I can't answer regarding experience of other programmers but I know that I gain more reputation points
So reputation for sure isn't a accurate measure of my experience, even if, of course, people having a high reputation on SO are probably all well experienced in programming.
It means that you are respected by the community, you are a good person, have good communication skills, and sometimes (you know how to Google quickly!)
It's more about how many meaningful posts (questions or answers) a user has submitted. Jon Skeet (@JonSkeet) can leave stack overflow for weeks at a time, but with his 22k+ answers, as people go through looking for answers, they're likely to come across his and upvote. Since there's a maximum of 200 rep points per day for questions and answers (not including bounties), then he's likely hitting the maximum on days he's not even near a computer.
That being said, no matter how many questions you attempt to answer, you're not going to get far if you don't really know your subject matter :).