NOTICE: salesforce.SE is under attack! I'm almost of flag ammo! Please come help! aug 22
Doorknob's SpamHelper v2.3
Now with spam detection and sound effects!
I like Jan's spam helper a lot, but I personally think the question boxes are too big, so I can't see lots of posts at once. I made a little script to rectify this (just run it in the console at
s=document.createElement('style');s.innerHTML='.metaInfo,.siteLink,.realtime-body-summary{display:none}.question-container{padding:2px!important}#mainArea a:visited{color:#F44!important}';document.head.appendChild(s)
// Spam detection (only works in Chrome, Firefox, latest Safari,
// and latest Opera) (added in v2)
t=document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0],l=t.innerHTML;(new(window.MutationObserver||window.WebKitMutationObserver)(function(m){m.forEach(function(l){for(var i=0;i<l.addedNodes.length;i++){n=l.addedNodes[i],h=n.innerHTML;if(/<h2>[\s\S]*?\b(live|watch|vs)\W*\b[\s\S]*?<\/h2>/i.test(h)){t.innerHTML='### SPAM FOUND ###';'#FAA'}}})})).observe(document.getElementById('mainArea'),{childList:true});window.onfocus=function(){t.innerHTML=l}
I doubt it works with Jan's script (:(
) but I find it very helpful as I can get an overview.
Here's what it looks like (click image to enlarge):
Red link means you have visited it. This is so you don't revisit a post you already flagged.
Spam highlighting coming soon! Version 2: spam highlighting added! Version 2.3: Sound effect from chat (the ding!) plays when spam appears - allowing me to consistently handle spam within seven seconds! (click to enlarge)
I had to post fake spam to test my script because no spam was coming up :P Don't worry, I deleted it instantly after I saw that it was working.
Here's how I test for spam (h
is the text of the question):
Spam also changes the title of the page to ### SPAM FOUND ###
. It changes back to the old title when you look at the spam. I might make desktop notifications like Jan's script in a later version.
Here's what a wave of spam looks like:
- v2.3: sound effect added, slight optimizations
- v2.2: fixed bug where sometimes spam wasn't detected
- v2.1: only search title for spam detection
- v2: spam detection, fixed bug with red link bleeding.
- v1: original version.