
When creating a new chat room there is an IMPORTANT note about avoiding creating duplicates (see screenshot). Taken literally it is a perfectly fine message. But the way its written it gives the impression that creating a new room is a big deal.

This was relevant (quite a while back when I was a low rep user) when I was involved in a 3 way comment discussion that was dragging on, but because it was a 3 way conversation the "move to chat" notification never appeared. I decided to create a manual chat room, however I took that message very seriously and assumed the "auto chat conversion" was a separate system. Having been scared off creating a new room I continued with the long running comment discussion in comments; not ideal behaviour.


Could the message when creating a room be toned down. Perhaps something along the lines of:

If creating a room about a specific subject please check for an existing similar room before creating a new one; duplicate or inactive rooms may be deleted.

enter image description here

I'm looking at this with an aim to move more tangential discussions to chat rather than in long comment chains

  • Really seems fine to me. Maybe just the ALL CAPS IMPORTANT: could be dropped.
    – Robin
    Feb 12, 2014 at 19:20
  • @superScript yes, I think the all caps IMPORTANT is the main problem Feb 12, 2014 at 19:22


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