As far as I understand, it is possible for post scored +3 or higher to land in Low Quality queue and be deleted by 6 "No Comment" recommendations.

Besides a record in post history, what happens in this case? As far as I understand,

  • moderators can't find about this since system doesn't raise a flag for their attention

  • authors can't find it out since there's neither inbox notification, nor reputation change that could be visible in profile, nor is it listed in Recent Deleted posts in their profile

  • deleted post is added to the list of recently deleted in page

Is my understanding correct? Is there something worth worrying about in this process?

For the sake of completeness, same seems to be happening to old posts without votes at all, or those having zero reputation "balance" due to up/down votes split. I don't ask about these because I don't even know whether there is a reason to worry about deletion of higher voted posts.


1 Answer 1


As far as I understand, it is possible for post scored +3 or higher to land in Low Quality queue and be deleted by 6 "No Comment" recommendations.

Nope. If a post scores > 0 and the folks reviewing it say it should be deleted, then a new flag is immediately raised. A moderator will need to step in and decide who is correct: the folks who up-voted the post, or the folks who say it is worthless.

Should the moderator handling the flag decide that it should be deleted, they of course have the option to also leave a comment describing why it should be deleted, and the author of the post will be notified of this comment.

Note that this behavior changed very recently - prior to that change, posts scoring > 0 would either hang around in the queue collecting ever-more reviews until folks either down-voted it enough to be deleted, or it collected enough "Looks Good" reviews to be dismissed.

  • looks like a decent design
    – gnat
    Apr 16, 2014 at 10:02

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