Just because the phrase
I don't have enough reps to comment, so I'll answer
or a phrase like that is in the answer, does not mean that it's not an answer.
I've actually ran a query searching for posts that included phrases like that many times before. I can tell you that more than 60% of the time , it is an actual answer, and should not be deleted or flagged as Not An Answer.
So you must read the whole answer. Does it try to answer the question? If so , then just edit out the useless phrase of "not enough rep, so I'll leave an answer" or whatever, and upvote/downvote if you want.
If it really is not an answer, then flag it as Not an Answer, and downvote if you want.
I suggest reading this absolutely brilliant post by Shog on when an answer is and isn't an answer Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?.