When you suggest an edit to a post and view the post while it's pending, there's a link to the review in progress in the generated header. But as noted in the dev answer, this linking hasn't been implemented for tag wikis/excerpts yet, partly because there are potentially two links to include and the wording is not entirely obvious, and partly because they're orders of magnitude less common.
Here's my suggested wording for the three cases.
Tag wiki excerpt only
Thanks for your edit!
This edit will be visible only to you until it is peer reviewed.Tag wiki only
Thanks for your edit!
This edit will be visible only to you until it is peer reviewed.Both
Thanks for your edit!
These edits will be visible only to you until they are peer reviewed (tag wiki, excerpt).
I can't directly address the prioritization of tag wiki edits, but I'd appreciate the corresponding status-deferred or status-planned mark, at least.