We now have dynamic answer help that pops up for new users (< 100 rep) when they focus the answer box.
Thanks for contributing an answer to $SiteName!
This is a Q&A site, not a discussion forum, so please make sure you answer the question.
Provide details and share your research. Avoid statements based solely on opinion; only make statements you can back up with an appropriate reference, or personal experiences.
It's kind of related to this post by Robert ... but I feel we have plenty of help for question askers already, whereas for people answering questions we were telling them nothing. This seemed really, really dumb to me when I thought of it 2 days ago. Why weren't we helping random internet users who began to type in the "Your Answer" box? I wish I could go back in time and implement this a year ago.
Anyway, now that we have dynamic answer help for new users -- do you have any suggestions on copyedits? Remember we want just the absolute minimum you can expect a person to read so no giant list of do's and don'ts -- just the bare essentials that new users typing in an answer for the first time should know.
And yes this can be customized per Q&A site.