Recently, downvoting on questions became free. This made a lot of sense to me in SO, however in meta it might not be the case. In SO the quality of a question is in general independent from the quality of its answers. In meta, when we cast a vote we are not grading the quality of the "question" or its "answers", we are in general just voting according to our personal opinions on the matter.
If we look at questions and answers as independent elements, then new system may look fairer. However I think in general they are not independent, I think the most common case is for votes on questions and answers to be tightly related. Suppose I have a question (proposal) A, with an opposing answer B. If someone disagrees on the question, he/she can downvote it and upvote the opposing answer, and it will all be free. However if I agree with the opinion presented in the question, and I want to upvote the question and downvote the opposing answer, I have to "pay".
Does anyone see a problem on this? Does anyone think this could or should be changed?
The answer below from Mark Trapp in my opinion has some convincing arguments that the current system works fine for meta.
The title of this question used to be "Please downvote me (It's free now)", but since it got "too popular" I decided to modify it slightly :)