Linked Questions

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Flag raised for migration was declined [duplicate]

Recently I raised a flag to (for moderator attention) this question (How to find the Center Coordinate of Rectangle) saying, This question is about geometry which shall be migrated to math....
Praveen's user avatar
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Migrating a question from a beta SE [duplicate]

I have posted a question on datascience. But now i feel its more suitable for cross-validated and want it to be migrated,i came to know about cross-validated later. But since datascience is beta, not ...
awhitesong's user avatar
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How are migrated questions time ordered? [duplicate]

Checking the FAQ, it's not explicit how a migrated question will be ordered in the newest queue at the destination exchange, based on the time it was asked, or based on the time it was migrated. I'm ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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Why is there not a choice to request questions to be moved to another stackexchange group? [duplicate]

Regularly I see questions, that do not belong in the correct stack exchange group. For e.g. duplicates, you can close a question and add a duplicate of the link. However, sometimes a question ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
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Can a question be migrated to a site on which the user has been manually suspended by a moderator? [duplicate]

Technically, a user does not even need to have an account on a site for one of their questions to be migrated there. There is a specific provision in Stack Exchange code to block migration of a ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Question migrated, but user doesn't exist on the new site [duplicate]

I stumbled upon a question which was migrated from Security to Stack Overflow. The problem is that the user doesn't have an account on Stack Overflow and the question needs clarifications from the OP ...
bolov's user avatar
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How can I transfer a question from Stack Overflow to Super User? [duplicate]

I accidentally uploaded a hardware question to Stack Overflow instead of Super User.
DannyBoi's user avatar
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Are links to Questions perpetually permalinks even after migration? [duplicate]

At It states one side-effect of migration is: The question is left as a stub, or pathway to the new site, for 30 days, after which it is automatically ...
bgoodr's user avatar
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migrating question to P.SE [duplicate]

In retrospect, I realize that my question (Standard way to instantiate objects from an xml config file) is more suited for SE:Programmers. Can I ask a moderator to migrate it there? (If so, how?) ...
kmote's user avatar
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What to do to migrate own question to another site? [duplicate]

Consider this post: Generate rewrite rules based on database value. I asked the question on Stack Overflow erroneously, but I want it to migrate to WordPress Development. I have already raised a ...
sakibmoon's user avatar
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Why was moving question flag rejected?

Upon reviewing a question I decided it wasn't appropriate for stackoverflow but could probably fit quite happily on either or I remember ...
Ian's user avatar
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I'd like someone to move a question to other SE site (or should I cross post?) [duplicate]

I've asked this question which doesn't really belong to this site. I don't have sufficient rights to move this question to where it belongs. Cross-posting is not a good practice eighter. Could ...
Adam Ryczkowski's user avatar
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Downvoted migrated question still affecting reputation [duplicate]

I asked this question on Ask Different. It was admittedly off-topic and appropriately migrated to Stack Overflow. However, the downvote I received before it was migrated remains as does the hit to ...
Daniel Walker's user avatar
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How do you migrate questions? [duplicate]

I have seen questions over SO that have comments saying thing like: "not a good question for this site - migrated it to SuperUser" - what does this mean?
monkey's user avatar
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Do questions keep their stats on migration? [duplicate]

I'm wondering whether questions on SE keep up-vote and view stats when they migrate. Moreover, do these stats no longer count for the current site and attribute to the migration site?
J.Todd's user avatar
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