Linked Questions

12 votes
9 answers

Should users answer homework questions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Homework on StackOverflow I've seen a pattern on StackOverflow where people often get very snippy when someone asks what is obviously a homework question. They say, "go do ...
Dan Lew's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Is answering homework question considered cheating? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Is [homework] an exception? How to ask and answer homework questions? It's bothering me if someone was asked to do report or has a homework question and asks for help here ...
M.Sameer's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Why is asking homeworkish questions a bad thing? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Homework on StackOverflow On SO, people sometimes treat questions differently because they are homeworkish. However, SO is a place to learn. Thus, whether questions are ...
user avatar
4 votes
9 answers

Has SO become Cliffs Notes/Do My homework site for CS students [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to ask and answer homework questions? I started to answer a question, then stopped because it looks like a homework assignment. What is the proper etiquette/response? ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Giving Code for what is probably homework [duplicate]

I just answered this question: If you look at the three answers we clearly have three ...
ford prefect's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Answering the homework questions [duplicate]

As we all know that a lot of homework questions are posted on Stack Overflow. Few just post the question as such without even trying and few genuinely try something and post a specific problem. In the ...
Rahul's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Is it wrong to ask homework questions? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Homework on StackOverflow I've seen a bunch of complaints about homework and whether or not it's cheating to ask for answers online. I understand the general idea that not ...
sadboy's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Shameless use of the site for homework problems [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to ask and answer homework questions? What's the policy for brazen use of the site for homework, like this?
malenkiy_scot's user avatar
250 votes
9 answers

The homework tag is now officially deprecated

Homework is no longer a tag on Stack Overflow. Keeping this post for historical reference. --Shog9 The result of a rather lengthy discussion concludes with the homework tag needing to go away on ...
user avatar
39 votes
15 answers

What kinds of bad question askers exist? [closed]

Based on these proposals, it seems that the developers of Stack Exchange are trying to prevent "bad questions" from getting into the system: Should we cap reputation gained from questions at +2000? ...
Billy ONeal's user avatar
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42 votes
13 answers

What is the policy here on homework? [closed]

I am not a student, but I know other avenues have had problems in the past with students trying to get others to do their work for them. I am sure most of the people on this site right now would not ...
Mike Wills's user avatar
44 votes
12 answers

Is [homework] an exception to the no-meta-tag rule? [closed]

I was just thinking about how all the meta tags are removed but one big meta(ish) tag is still here: homework Is this an exception to the no-meta-tag rule or is it an oversight? Or would you even ...
Earlz's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

Can we cut back on the "Is This Homework?" berating? [closed]

First, let me say that Stack Overflow and its related wikis are one of my favorite places on the net, and I've learned tremendously from many of you, and find most of you to be fine and charming folks ...
Jason R. Mick's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

Downvoting "too useful" answers to homework questions

I gave a short, but helpful answer to a homework question here. Then a user down-voted with the reason "Perfect answer for a non-homework question. But it's a homework question, so -1." I don't care ...
moinudin's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

StackOverflow is not your Programming 101 Teacher [closed]

I would like to help my fellow professionals and amateurs more on StackOverflow, but it's become impossible to find questions worth spending time on beneath the inundation of "teach me to program" ...
Lawrence Dol's user avatar
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