bobobobo's user avatar
bobobobo's user avatar
bobobobo's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Canada
108 votes

Vote too old to be changed, unless post is edited

28 votes

What formatting example should replace "his suicide note" in the Markdown help?

26 votes

Allow the <small> tag

21 votes

Consistent serial downvoting now avoiding detection

20 votes

Notice of deletion

18 votes

Show the number of up-votes and down-votes on the mobile site theme

18 votes

Quotes should look different from spoilers

17 votes

Trolls in our Halls

15 votes

Can my answer about current events be undeleted?

15 votes

Is the language "BrainF_ck" offensive?

14 votes

Ask & answer questions about niche programming language

13 votes

Any way to send a personal message to another user?

12 votes

Why can't we downvote our own posts?

12 votes

Let's stop displaying a user's accept rate

12 votes

Please make the multiple comment timer less annoying (non-resetting etc.)

10 votes

My fingers are too fat for the "No further action" dialog

9 votes

Closing changes: [on hold], unclear, too broad, opinion-based, off-topic reasons, bye-bye to Too Localized

9 votes

Allowing images from external sources opens doors to serious security exploits and privacy risks

9 votes

٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ Forbid unicode?

8 votes

Ctrl+Z undoes twice in editor

8 votes

List all my drafts

8 votes

"viewed 1 times"

8 votes

Do really bad questions come from spammers? Or are they indicative of really bad programmers?

8 votes

Some improvements to blockquotes

7 votes

Question of type: "What is the best..." ==> Why not, where to go?

7 votes

Should all irrelevant comments be flagged as noise?

7 votes

Pressing Enter in comment box unexpectedly submits form

7 votes

Enormous "Summer of Love" violation

6 votes

Can't log in using OpenID

6 votes

Add "Answer Later" Tab

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