I found a bug. There are a few different ways to reproduce:

By Direct URL

  • Go directly to this URL.
  • Notice the Page Not Found error page.

By Clicking

  • Go to a user's profile page, such as mine.
  • On the Summary tab, go down to the Bounties panel in the far lower-left corner.
  • Click any of the sort buttons, such as "offered".
  • Click the "view more" link
  • Notice it takes you to the URL I mentioned above and you get the error.

Another Path

  • Go to the bounties tab on a user's profile page, such as mine.
  • Click the "offered" sort button.
  • Notice it works, and the URL is exactly as the other paths.
  • Grab the URL and paste it in a new tab. See the error.
    • Or on my browser, simple pressing the enter key in the url line will resubmit and error.

None of the other tabs appear to be affected by this bug.


1 Answer 1


When I click the tabs, I am taken to the same URL as your direct link, and it works. When you click any of the other tabs, the entire page does not get reloaded.

The sort parameter is taken incorrectly by the server for the bounties tab; any value for the sort parameter (active, offered, or earned) is broken as well.

Bottom line: Only when the page is requested with the parameter do you see an error.

  • You are taken to the same URL, but not the same URI. Or maybe that's backwards?
    – Cole Tobin
    Aug 24, 2013 at 21:10
  • @ColeJohnson The JavaScript is adding the sort parameter to the URL, but the server is not recognizing the parameter. The problem is server-side.
    – Mooseman
    Aug 24, 2013 at 23:39

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