If Shadow Wizard his guess is correct then this query gives you a javascript scraper that you can run in your browser to get the data you need.
select code
select 1 as line , 'var si = [' as code
select top 10 -- remove this to get all tags
100, '''' + tagname + ''','
from tags
select 1000, '''''];'
select 1001, 'var i=0;
var wi=window.setInterval(function(){
if (i<si.length-1) {
var url=''http://stackoverflow.com/tags/'';
var entry = ''/subscriber-info'';
var comp = url + encodeURIComponent(si[i]) + entry;
var tag = si[i];
$.get(comp, function(data){
var ami = $(data).find(''span.tm-sub-info'');
var c3 = ami[0].childNodes[2];
var c4 = ami[0].childNodes[3];
var txt = $(c3).text();
var fol;
if (txt.indexOf(''follower'')>-1) {
fol = parseInt(txt.split('','')[0],10);
} else {
fol = parseInt($(c4).attr(''title''),10);
console.log(tag + '' '' + fol);
} else {
},1000); ' -- lower 1000 until you get throttled
) as allcode
order by line
If run you get the following javascript:
var si = [
var i=0;
var wi=window.setInterval(function(){
if (i<si.length-1) {
var url='http://stackoverflow.com/tags/';
var entry = '/subscriber-info';
var comp = url + encodeURIComponent(si[i]) + entry;
var tag = si[i];
$.get(comp, function(data){
var ami = $(data).find('span.tm-sub-info');
var c3 = ami[0].childNodes[2];
var c4 = ami[0].childNodes[3];
var txt = $(c3).text();
var fol;
if (txt.indexOf('follower')>-1) {
fol = parseInt(txt.split(',')[0],10);
} else {
fol = parseInt($(c4).attr('title'),10);
console.log(tag + ' ' + fol);
} else {
which in you can drop in the Developer Console of Chrome (hit F12) and hit enter. Every second (1000 milliseconds) it will fetch the subscriber info for a tag and output the number of followers in the console:
With almost 50,000 tags this will take a while to run to completion... but that is still under 6 to 8 weeks...