On some sites of network page "Reduce Ads" is not shown on the list (~/help/privileges) page. Also page with privilege (~/help/privileges/reduced-ads) is absent and redirects me to privilege list (~/help/privileges) page. Also you can't track this privilege in user profile.
But privilege is working when site has ads. If you get 200 reputation on such sites you'll get reduced ads.
List of technology sites with issue (where site have ads and no "Reduce Ads" privilege)
- Stack Overflow en español
- Stack Overflow em Português
- Electrical Engineering
- Magento
- Geographic Information Systems
- Salesforce
- Database Administrators
- Blender
- Code Review
- Raspberry Pi
- スタック・オーバーフロー
- User Experience
List of technology sites without ads and privilege
- TeX - LaTeX
- Ethereum
- Mathematica
- Bitcoin
- Data Science
- Arduino
- Cryptography
- Signal Processing
- Network Engineering
- Emacs
- Sitecore
- Software Recommendations
- Engineering
- Craft CMS
- Software Quality Assurance & Testing
- CiviCRM
- Space Exploration
- Reverse Engineering
- Vi and Vim
- Elementary OS
- Programming Puzzles & Code Golf
- etc
List of technology sites with privilege and ads
- Stack Overflow
- Stack Overflow на русском
- Ask Ubuntu
- Super User
- Unix & Linux
- Server Fault
- WordPress Development
- Ask Different
- SharePoint
- Drupal Answers
- Information Security
- Android Enthusiasts
- Software Engineering
- Game Development
- Web Applications
- Meta Stack Exchange
- Webmasters
So sites in first list should be tweaked either
- to remove ads at all and look like second list
- or add this privilege to be like ones in third list.