We all know that on Stack Exchange users are required to disclose affiliation with links and potential promotions they post. In case of being unaffiliated, one often writes a "disclaimer". Searching for the word "disclaimer" on Stack Overflow yields some less comprehensible results like this:

disclaimer: I'm the author

There are plenty of other results where something like "I wrote this" follows an opening of "Disclaimer". Is this an appropriate or correct usage?


2 Answers 2



It's short, to the point, and leaves no room for ambiguity; in that answer, it must apply to the preceding link.

Except that this is a community wiki answer, which makes it less clear who the post author is (after all, somebody rewriting the answer could end up being the 'main' author according to the system). Therefore, I tweaked it a bit; it now reads:

(disclaimer: I, @broofa, am the author)

  • 1
    I didn't find a tag [word-usage] on MSE, but what I intended was "another word would be more suitable than disclaimer". Disclaimer to some extent means "I'm not responsible for this" and thus makes less sense when applied to links of one's own. Feb 28, 2020 at 13:45
  • 2
    Ah, I see what you mean now. I think the usage of the word has evolved a bit, but I'm pretty sure I have seen this regularly outside Stack Exchange as well.
    – Glorfindel Mod
    Feb 28, 2020 at 13:59

I personally don't see any issues with it. However, if you're uncomfortable with the possible duplicate meaning, you could always use Full Disclosure.

Full disclosure, the acknowledgement of possible conflicts of interest in one's work

For example,

Full Disclosure: I'm the author

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