I downloaded the stackoverflow.com-PostHistory.7z file from here and I can't extract the 7z file. I tried 7-zip software and WinRAR. I also tried extracting from 2 different hard drives. Both failed.

I got the following error in 7-zip when I tried to extract:

Data error (cyclic redundancy check).

The error appeared after about 50% of extraction like in this picture:

Extracting error

  • 2
    It is a massive file, and I wonder if its simply a matter of it not being completed Aug 4, 2020 at 8:05
  • Most often this is an issue with the drive, could simply be a bad sector, try running windows error checker on it thewindowsclub.com/disk-error-checking-windows-8
    – Mark Kirby
    Aug 4, 2020 at 8:21
  • 3
    If you download the ia800107.us.archive.org/27/items/stackexchange/… you'll find the md5, crc and sha1 hashes of that stackoverflow.com-PostHistory.7z file: <md5>88dc03071223959a1ba4ce74b1acd06c</md5> <crc32>24fb13cb</crc32> <sha1>c51c4886f7477365fa1a687b1c3e04b4bd6c96ac</sha1> which you can compare with the hashes that you generate for your local file. If they differ you know your local bytes are incorrect.
    – rene
    Aug 4, 2020 at 8:36
  • @rene can you please explain to me what i need to compare with the hashes you provided?
    – Matan
    Aug 4, 2020 at 10:18
  • @MarkKirby I tried your solution with both drives, windows did not find a thing.
    – Matan
    Aug 4, 2020 at 10:19
  • @JourneymanGeek it just stopped extracting, keeping me with about 50% of the content of the file
    – Matan
    Aug 4, 2020 at 10:19
  • 1
    see for how to get the hash of your local file superuser.com/questions/699014/…
    – rene
    Aug 4, 2020 at 10:35

2 Answers 2


Sometimes downloaded files are "blocked" by the OS as a security measure. Right click the file you have downloaded and choose "Properties", you might see this:

blocked file

If that's the case, tick the "Unblock" checkbox, confirm, and it should work as expected.

  • there isn't an unblock checkbox. i was able to extract about 50% of the file...
    – Matan
    Aug 4, 2020 at 10:13
  • 1
    @Matan cheers, so it's something else in your case. For me those blocks caused tons of problems in the past, as I keep forgetting about it. :) Aug 4, 2020 at 10:33

ok i found a solution to my problem. i downloaded again the file, this time from this link: https://ia800107.us.archive.org/27/items/stackexchange/ and i just managed to extract the file.

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