Meta SE is where a lot of discussion about things that affect the entire network take place. While most privileges should be locked behind the usual rep progression, there are some that shouldn't be.
- Downvoting posts (already available at 100 rep, so association bonus is enough)
- Viewing deleted posts (note: only viewing, I'm not talking about casting delete or undelete votes)
- Viewing vote counts (already available via user-script, but I see no reason to force people to hack around)
Some important posts get deleted; plenty of unimportant posts that are referred to elsewhere also get deleted. There's no reason these should be hidden behind the 10k rep barrier here on Meta SE. There's no reason why people who have got the privilege on other sites should then waste their time and effort dragging rep up to 10k here on Meta, just to see what's informing the discussion here.
Seeing the voting distribution is also important to get a feel of what the community thinks about the post (all the more so when comments get wiped out). A post at +63/0 is quite differently received from one at +126/-63.
I suggest that these privileges be made more widely available, by:
- Checking for these privileges being available to the user on any other SE site, or
- Making them available at a lower rep threshold (like with downvoting, but not necessarily at 100), or
- Some other factor (any suggestions?)
I posted this originally as a comment, but IMHO this is becoming more important now.