Currently, moderators cannot view anything in the "Votes" tab of the profile of other users.
Quite sensibly, we can't view individual up/down votes at all. However, the other four tabs (Deletion, Undelete, Closure, Reopen) are another matter. Moderators can see these votes when looking at a post that they've been cast on, but there is no way to view a list of them.
This causes two main problems:
- When users decide to rage-quit and delete or destroy as much content as they can, we're entirely reliant on autoflags to find out what they did. If they don't cross the autoflag threshold, we can't see it. The only way to know is to check every deleted post and see when they deleted it. Additionally, even when the autoflag does work, we can't check if anything else wasn't caught.
- We have no way to find patterns of misuse1 of close and delete votes on other people's content. While we can see individual "misused" votes, we have no way to see if it's a one-off (not a big deal) or a persistent pattern that may warrant action. This means that we can only find the most extreme cases where the misuse is so widespread that a moderator notices the user's name coming up repeatedly, or when a user is able to notice a number of misused votes on questions fitting a certain pattern (a tag, linked from meta, etc.) and flag enough questions to be individually checked to establish a pattern warranting moderator action.
Given that these votes are not confidential in any meaningful sense (moderators can always see them on posts, as can all users once they take effect), moderators should be able to view Deletion/Undelete/Closure/Reopen votes on the votes tab of a user's profile.
1 By misuse, I mean consistent, unjustified votes. "Needs more focus" for simple, focused questions, "Seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more" for questions that don't do that (we had one user do this repeatedly on a large number of questions in a tag), "General computing" for IDE questions, etc.
For delete votes, we're more looking for patterns, often along the lines of using them as a "super downvote." Voting to delete the answers on nearly every question they close (I suspect at least one user of doing this, but can't prove it because of this), voting to delete nearly every closed question asked about on Meta (same), immediately voting to delete every Meta question they close without allowing time to edit (we've had to tell someone to stop doing this).