Here is the guy with all sort of -ve publicity . I got it wrong, I started hight lighting main points in the question to improve the readability. I should have taken care that those are for code/keywords only , I am sorry to cause all the distress to reviewers.
I decided to post this as answer because formatting of comments are next to none. So that every one can see my apology.
I would also like to thanks to T.Rob ,Nine Shogs Shogging♦ and NullPointerException to bring this up.
I think I am victim of 'nonrepeatable read and phantoms by system' if you carefully look at the post and compare my edit with the original question ,
My changes were in (Revision 3)
Removed spaces
Corrected spellings for problem.
Here is what might had happen
Akrem posted at 10.30
Ikke and I both looked at post and started editing around 10.35.
As Ikke edit is approved at same time so that is latest copy at 10.35
My edit went into review process with older copy
My edit got approved , which in turn overwrites Ikke is update at 10.36
I am sinner
Hence it looks like I broken the grammar.