I would assume part of the role of closing questions is to disincentivize users from asking such questions as they are not welcome in this community. However, often these questions, in particular and very often with the too localized or nonconstructive homework questions, and often with duplicate questions, will be answer-grabbed for easy experience, as the exact point of experience is to incentivize certain behavior, which in turn incentivizes such questions.
It not only seems to me that closed questions shouldn't award experience to the OP or to anyone who answers, but further that it contradicts the entire philosophy of having a category "closed question" to award as such.
I've seen this covered once here: Reputation for Closed QuestionsReputation for Closed Questions - but the discussion failed to make this point regarding encouraging undesirable behavior, which I think is critical (and amended this question's title as such), so posted this on meta as a new question.