I now have 11 accepted zero score answer-score answers, the lastestmost recent one is answeredI posted on Feb 3 at 1:30.
And I also have 33 accepted nonon-zero score answer-score answers (includeincluding one self accepted-accepted), inof which 6 is answeredwere posted after the lastestmost recent zero score-score answer. I think this means I will gain the 'Unsung Hero' badge if there isare no change atchanges, on 13/02/2013.
My question is whether these 6 accepted answeranswers are included in the total accepted answer count?
In other words, if I get more nonon-zero score answeraccepted answers in the followingcoming days, cando I gainstill earn the Unsung Hero atbadge on 13/02/2013?