I am presently 30 days away from earning the gold "Fanatic" badge"Fanatic" badge; however, in retrospect, I feel that this badge, and the silver "Enthusiast" badge"Enthusiast" badge, when compared to other silver and gold badges, are far too easy to attain.
In my opinion, the difficulty of the Enthusiast badge should make it a bronze badge, not silver, and the Fanatic badge a silver, not gold. My perspective is that a gold badge should be something that takes a considerable amount of dedication, effort, and/or hard work to attain, just like all of the other gold badges.
If you look at our present numbers, there are over 64,000 people that have earned the Enthusiast badge, and well over 10,000 that have earned the gold Fanatic badge. And when you compare these numbers to many of the other silver and gold badge, the numbers just don't line up. I'm not expecting a 1:1 relationship here, but I am expecting to see a similar pattern of a low percentage of people earning the gold badge; however, in this case, there are many more people earning the gold Fanatic badge, than there are people earning many of the silver badges! It's just way to skewed IMO.
###So, I have the following suggestions to remedy this:
- Enthusiast badge: Change from Silver to Bronze, keeping the existing requirement, "Visited the site each day for 30 consecutive days."
- Fanatic badge: Change from Gold to Silver, keeping the existing requirement, "Visited the site each day for 100 consecutive days."
- Add a new gold badge:
- Possible names:
A. "Devoted"
B. "Dedicated"
C. "Habitual"
D. "Zealous" - Eligibility: "Visited the site each day for 365 consecutive days."
I feel that this change will put these new bronze, silver, and gold badges in alignment with many of the other badges in regards to difficulty and/or amount of effort.