I have my drawing tablet this year...
Human Stack Exchange/Overflow twins I thought of last year
Two more characters of my own creation.
Guess who? (I tried, really I did, but I'm not the best at real people)
I made a thing today, (one of the characters from above) and wanted to make it in the knitting so...grayscale! (not my best work but...it'll do)
Original made today for reference:
Oh dear, my prince, what have I done to you?
Thanks to the help from Hitodama and ArtOfCode, I was finally able to get the userscript working and made this from a picture I haven't finished yet:
Two young royal school students, trapped in a storage cupboard by their enemies, waiting in the harsh winter draft for someone to let them out.
Original for comparison: (downsized)
It's me again :D plus lights experiment
I'll be making more...don't worry. :)