In addition to simply toggling public CV visibilitytoggling public CV visibility, the CV publish page also has a feature allowing a user to "share your CV using this temporary access link" where "access link" is a hyperlink to a page that shows the CV by routing to it with some sort of hash in the url like this:<some-sort-of-hash-here>
So the options are:
- Publish the CV publicly
- Do not publish the CV publicly
- Sort of publish the CV publicly with this temporary link
I think the third option is cool. I could imagine somebody not wanting to publish a CV to the world at large, but wanting to send it to some prospective employer that is not subscribed to the employer search.
My question is this: how long is the temporary access link active? Or maybe the question should be how do I deactivate a temporary access link? Or perhaps even do I only get one temporary access link? (I've clicked on it a few times and the hash is always the same).