I've been asking questions here for 3-48 months and every time I try to ask a question it either gets downvoted within 10 minutes and people say that "you're just looking to gain reputation" and "come back with a proper question" or "it's a duplicate" and "do more research". And it also gets closed with people, without even reading the question: "It's off-topic", "homework question", "too vague",. It unsurprisingly gets downvoted to hell within hours, if not minutes, and me reliably asking why you downvoted, and me getting hit with the quotes above. And I'm not even going to discuss the 1-2 sentence questions that aren't even closed for being too vague, but somehow 4 whole hours of workediting,2 hours of research and days of thinking is somehow too vague?! Anyway, I've been trying for the last 24 months to try and ask good, worthwhile questions, but I can't do that without getting pelted with the downvote arrows. Can anyone help me with this?
I've looked at the help center and read it thoroughly multiple times, and searched up anything with "how to ask good questions" or "how to participate in meta and not die trying". I've tried to do that, but no matter what I'm always struck by downvotes, for I don't even know what reason. I'm just looking for a way to thrive and contribute to this community, and nobody's letting me do that. It might be that I'm just too late and too new.
And go figure, the question is closed because there's another one with an answer, that doesn't help me at all.
I don't even know if I'm going to post another question because it'll get 12 downvotes in an hour,no no matter what the hell I do.
https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/375424/why-is-wikipedia-asking-for-donations (deleted) This one was me thinking that they're closely related somehow.