Update: Thanks for hearing the feedback about this question's original title and fixing it.
I am pleased to learn that you are acting on community feedback. I'm interested in learningI want to learn more about how the new Stack Overflow Jobs will work.
Like others, I'm "annoyed" by the marketing style used on some Meta SE post titles. I understand that there are perspectives on this being considered a regular business practice. I know there are marketing reasons to reuse online service names, in this case, Stack Overflow Jobs, but you are not bringing back something; you are just reusing a service name. Google has done the same, even using the same name simultaneously (a recent case is using "Workspace" as a product and feature name).
Stack Overflow has been walking away from its roots. While we should accept that they are a business dealing with complex goals in complex times, I think that it's fair to expect them to keep Meta Stack Exchange as a place leaning closer to what is expected about post titles in the Stack Exchange Network: They should be a summary of the post content and free of "click bait" like writing style.
I think that partnerships are good; I just hope that this will bring back the best features of the original Stack Overflow Jobs.