Stack Exchange recently added 3 new restrictions to "prevent unauthorized access toWhen running the network". Global Flag Summary userscript was 1 of 5 automatic processes added to a community made list of process that would potentially be broken by the new restrictions. Stack Exchange said that "we do not believe our efforts will impact a significant number of community tools", but Global Flag Summary appears to have been, err... impacted. Only 57 out of the 244 it was looking for (for this purpose a per-site meta and the main site are different sites) it calls to were actually reachedsuccessful, makingand the script nearly uselessrest produced error status codes. Note thatMost produced 404 status codes, atbut towards the end of running the script, it started to actually to changethe response code changed from 404 to rate-limited. Note thatWhen I manually tried to access about 20 of the links that were listed as "404"s and, they all worked fine.
In addition to the above, itrunning this script also logged me out network-wide and gave me a Cloudfare thingchallenge when I tried to access SE again.
Here is a screenshot of a small section of the errors:
Stack Exchange recently added 3 new rate limits to "prevent unauthorized access to the network," and these changes may be the cause of the new 404/rate-limiting errors.
Could this please be fixed?