New users are laying waste to the collective pool; strike them down at first sight with extreme prejudice.
If one of a new users' first three posts (within their first couple of days/first week) are deleted as spam/offensive, they should be automatically put on suspension. Three days at the very least.
Better still, if they're down two and out, just delete all their posts and save the moderators a good deal of time from ploughing that muck.
There's no way a new user to the system posting junk from the outset wants to learn or will bother with constructive posts.
If they racket up quick the spam/offensive deleted posts, just destroy them already. They're a lost cause.
Auto-suspension and/or auto-Windexing will save moderators time in setting the suspension period and blasting caps and allow for the true community model of keeping the place clean.
Remember, together we can all put out these fires.