We're grinding through the old /review queues, moving them into the new Community Review Dashboard format.
Recently, Emmett's been slaving over a hot compiler to bring you: the First Posts queue:
This is a bit different from the preview queues, which tend to focus on a handful of very specific actions to accomplish specific tasks. The items in this queue are simply the first questions or answers posted by new users (limited to those less than 30 days old). The actions are... Anything!
We're asking you to help introduce new users to the site - give them some feedback, provide some helpful edits, and flag problems for the moderators. This is your chance to be a part of the S.W.A.T. Team of Nice welcoming posse, encouraging the new recruits and helping them learn the ropes.
The only requirement to participate is the ability to cast both up and down-votes on the site, making this the most inclusive queue to date.
If this works out, we'll probably use roughly the same format for the "Late Answers" queue - so please let us know if you run into any problems, or have suggestions on how to improve things.
Ok... I'm seeing a bit of confusion in the answers here, so let me make something clear:
This is not a tool to make lynching newbies easier.
Yes, there's about a 1 in 5 chance that the post you're looking at will be utter crap, or at very least something you'll want to down-vote. But it is just as important to provide some sort of feedback to the new authors whose posts aren't terrible - whether that's an up-vote, or a comment, or even a small edit that puts a bit more of a shine on their already-useful contribution.
If you're after a queue with a higher crap-to-quality ratio and sharp instruments to go with it, there are a couple of those already, and likely more to come.