Due to the apparent increase in the number of bad migrations from Stack Overflow (based on comments in chat, other child metas etc.) I think it's time to remove the option altogether.
In recent months Programmers and Server Fault have been removed and there appear to be an increasing number of bad migrations to Super User (I don't have access to the figures to verify this though).
It's becoming clear that with over 13,000 users that can vote to close we cannot rely on the ones with knowledge of the other sites being around when the question is being voted on. This results in subsequent closers following the herd and voting the same way. Even with 4 votes being required to migrate off SO it goes wrong far to often.
It also seems like people use migration to mean:
I don't want this question here, but I don't want to feel bad about closing it as off topic.
Even if the migration is correct, well meaning comments along the lines of "This should be asked on X" lead to effective cross posting and the creation of duplicates should the question actually be migrated.
With the ever increasing number of sites users often don't have accounts on the site where the question is migrated to leading to orphaned questions and potential work for moderators and the team get the question associated with the correct user again.
Given all this I think we should just remove the option.
If the poster wants the migration they can flag the question for moderator attention.
The only drawback I can see is that it will result in more flags from people who want the question migrated. If there is no migration option then people would have to use the "Other" option and type in the site they think the question should be migrated to. This might deter some people and I'm sure something could be done to make these flags less prominent in the moderator queue.
NOTE: I'm specifically thinking of Stack Overflow here, but there's probably an argument for removing the options from the other sites too. Particularly before they get so large that the same problems start appearing there.