Referring to this Q as an example, I'd like to clarify some edit/flag/comment/vote behaviour.
Does that Q qualify as being flagged as being too narrow?
My rationale here is that the Q does not want to clarify a common point, or a specific sort method, or anything that's particularly useful to others.
Does it qualify as duplicate?
It's not that useful because it's partly a duplicate. There are other questions that target sorting arrays in C. Some actually provide partial answers. Search, Q1, Q2, Q3
Of course, none of those questions exactly match the aforementioned homework question.
While I don't generally despise homework questions, I feel I'm biased against this particular one because no research effort at all has been done, and feel this Q is not adding value to the site.
What's the correct behaviour? Comments are in place, and so are downvotes. Anything else, or should I just relax?
Final aside: Does the community on meta appreciate such questions or is this considered to be too much overhead? I still feel rather new to meta and anything related to reviews/flags and meta's link to the data site(s).