I notice that there are quite some questions that get no up/down vote, but do have some answers.
This surprises me, as I would assume that someone who takes the time to answer a question has an opinion on that question. He either thinks it's good (up vote) or bad (down vote, edit, flag, close).
In the latter case he should not take the time to answer the question, but instead devote that time to improve it, or ask for clarification.
Here's an example of such a question on Photo.SE and Apple.SE.
Do you think it is a good idea to force a vote before one can answer the question? Why (not)?
Meta and community wiki's should be excluded from the force-vote system as with meta voting servers a different purpose and community wiki's might have more answers from one person (which would create a need for multiple votes).
Update 2: I see that a relevant question is asked here. The different answers include automating an up vote when answering and automating a question upvote when upvoting an answer. The highest rated answer reflects the idea presented in this answer to my question, but from a slightly different perspective. It just states that the main goal of the site is to write/rank answers. A suggestion is made to make the question vote buttons visually more outstanding to motivate people to vote on the question.