I am quite new to Stack Overflow and I want to help others by answering their questions. Of course, I want to search for questions that I could answer and 'tag' seems to be a good way. However, I cannot find how to filter questions based on multiple tags. The only thing I find is only to select one tag. As I learn rather widely but not deeply, I need to search multiple times in order to find a questions that i could contribute.

Is there a way to have a set of tags such that questions have either one of these tag will appear?

For example, for me, I would want to look into questions with tags (C/C++/Python/Linux/Objective-C/Android/iOS ... )


2 Answers 2


Yes, you can do that by typing in search field something like that : "[tag] [tag2] [tag3]"


Is there a way to have a set of tags such that questions have either one of these tag will appear?

Yes, try search like these [c] or [c++]. With this search either of your requested tagged question will be shown..

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