Fairly often when I look through the featured tabs on my favorite tags I find bounty questions that really should have been closed before they were ever eligible for a bounty.
These questions tend to take one of two forms:
The usual poorly asked questions often asked by new users. There isn't really enough information to answer the question, there isn't any indication of research effort or attempts to solve the problem independently, asking for tool/plugin recommendations, and the like. Nothing really notable there, bad questions get posted all the time.
The "Will you build this / Will you fix this for me?" questions. These questions tend to read more like specs from a client or manager. As in:
I have this, I need it to do that, it must meet this long list of specs...
Usually with these a larger bounty is attached and apparently users "Will work for rep."
The problem is that bounty questions can't be closed in the usual way. Rather than casting a close vote and moving on, the question needs to be flagged for moderator attention.
Here complications arise...
Some flags seem to get handled fairly quickly and all is well. While others languish in the flag queue until the bounty has run its course.
In the later case there are obvious problems, the bad question gets answered and the bad question sits in the spotlight getting an awful lot of attention. This gives the asker and new users that see it the impression that its OK to ask bad questions so long as you're willing to pony up some rep. as there is always someone out there who "Will work for rep."
You really should read the whole post, its not that long...
My questions:
Is there a difference in opinion amongst moderators about how flags on bounty questions should be handled?
Do some moderators intentionally let the bounty run its course, while others act on them as quickly as possible or is it just that the flag queue is long and sometimes it takes a few days to process?
Anyone have any good ideas about how we could solve this issue?
How can we close questions with bounties?
Allow users to vote to close bountied questions