Hang with me for a moment, let's go through a short checklist:
- When is it okay to post link-only-answers? Never.
- When is it okay to promote my own blog/website? Never.
- When is it okay to self-answer a question? Always.
- When is it okay to answer questions with content from my blog? Always.
- So...when is it okay to answer a question with content from my blog and link to the blog? Always.
Now that seems confusing at first, but it's dead simple: If your answer can stand on it's own and the link is supplementary, then it's okay.
Shall we go through some examples of answers?
I found the answer, please read on my blog! http://myawesomeblog.blog/blogawesome/entry.php?entry=44732676
This is never acceptable.
The answer is do to x different by simply using Majoran transforms instead, read more on my blog: http://anotherblog.com
It's not really helpful in any way...
See, you need to use the Splines and reticulate them, you can do this by ...50 words later...and then you're done!
And don't forget to read my blog, it's on there too: http://uninteresting.com/really/i/read/it
That's a good answer...except that tacked on advertising part at the end.
This is a problem I also encountered in the last time. You have to ... 100 words later ... and then you're done and can finally also use the third heating rod of your toaster via Python!
An in-depth review of why this is that way is unfortunately out of the scope of this answer, but in case you want to know [I wrote an in depth article about it on my blog a few days ago].
And if that last link now also leads directly to the appropriate entry, it's awesome.
The last example is a good answer because:
- the answer can stand on it's own
- it gives all the information needed to answer the question
- it provides a link to further material to read about it
- you state that it is your own blog
The link to your blog is neither fundamental nor is it only tacked on, but provides value to the answer and users.
One of the caveats you need to be aware of is that if a substantial number of your posts contains links to your own website or blog, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of many users. Out of experience I'd say that the first threshold is ~25%, after that users get suspicious and start to look for reasons they can use to pull you apart. More than ~50% will for sure guarantee that we'll discuss your case here on Meta. But these thresholds can be higher if your answers and the blog posts are awesome.
Community Wiki can also be a way to communicate "hey, I just have this piece of information here and I try to help, and I know that I promote my own stuff here, sorry". Though, this is more of a gray area then self-promotion itself.
So if you now want to ask questions and answer them with your blog, you need to follow all these rules and guidelines and you need a good question, too.
Additionally, you have to keep in mind that everything in here is CC-BY-SA. So if you repost content from your blog you effectively relicensed that content under CC-BY-SA. That's different to if I post the content from your blog, as I effectively need to quote your blog and link back to it...and I'm not allowed to relicense your stuff anyway. Of course this could now be discussed without end, but I think that's what it boils down to.