I'm currently interested in (programming) home automation with the rasp-pi.

The question is now where is the best place for that?

StackOverflow, because it is about programing?

Rasp-Pi beta, because it runs there?

or on the upcoming Home-Automation (when we get the missing 28 users)?

Or, is it a better idea to copy (duplicate) the article?

  • I'm mostly interested in a general answer.
    – smartmeta
    Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 13:20

1 Answer 1


If you want to ask a question about programming on Raspberry PI, the Rasp-Pi beta is the wrong place. Their help center says:


Questions about programming that are not related to its usage on the Raspberry Pi. These will probably be better off on Programmers or Stackoverflow.

So there you have your answer. If your question is about implementation issues, Stackoverflow is probably the best fit. If it is about software architecture and design, Programmers is.

  • Unfortunately, the questions will be related to the usage on the raspi, because it uses hardware that is only avilable for the raspi.
    – smartmeta
    Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 13:17
  • If it is about programming that hardware, as in your question, it is still development. On SO there are questions about VHDL too. Commented Sep 25, 2014 at 13:18

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