I tried to login to Area 51 through my Stack Exchange OpenID, and it asked me if I can provide my account information to this site.
It says: "send your Stack Exchange account information to this site?".
I know that this happens when one is not registered, and as a network user, it must instead say that one is creating a new account on this site, because one would have used the same credential to login to his/her Stack Exchange profile. But I had already created an Area 51 account using Google OpenID (I also use my Google OpenID as a login), so naturally I must be able to login to it using my Stack Exchange OpenID, but it shows the above mentionded message of providing info to this site.
I was afraid that a totally new Stack Exchange profile would be created, so I tried to login through my Google OpenID, but it said that an error occurred.
(I appologise for the volume bar; it can't be avoided in this smartphone while taking screenshots.)
Please fix this as soon as possible.