A hot network question just showed up on RPG.SE for Movies & TV, which is fine, but its colouring is nuts:

Why is Penny less concerned about the "check engine" light?

Could M&TV have their ad adjusted slightly so that it doesn't do uncomfortable things to my eyes?


1 Answer 1


UDPATE 2015-09-15: The font color seems to have been fixed to some degree into plain white, which makes it less agressively fighting with the background (that has been fixed, too) and improves readability.

enter image description here

However, I'd still not consider this solved yet, since the current plain white text and the very bold and blurry font is still quite hard on the eyes.

UDPATE 2015-09-22: So, the problems with the thick font/white drop shadow seem to have been solved now, too. With those changes I'd consider all the problems with our HNQ ad solved now:

enter image description here

  • 6
    It still seems to have its white drop-shadow. Removing that would improve things. Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 13:16
  • The deslgn makes "dld" look weird.
    – user259867
    Commented Sep 15, 2015 at 18:29

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