According to point 11 of How does deleting work? negatively voted posts are automatically deleted when a user's account is deleted:
The system will automatically delete any question (and its answers) or answer with a negative score when its owner's account is deleted, unless the question is open and has at least one positively-scored answer.
This is a better process than existed previously, prior to partial implementation of this feature request, but even so, there is still value in listing these deleted questions and answers on the moderation (10k) tools page.
Right now, these deleted posts do not appear anywhere I can see. On my home site, a user quit about an hour ago, and I can see one of his deleted posts thanks to having 10k rep. It shows that it was deleted by "Community," but it is not listed in the "recently deleted" section of my 10k tools page.
I suspect that this user had a number of downvoted questions and answers, and I would like to review them to ensure that nothing of value was lost when they were deleted. I could then vote to undelete and/or flag moderators in specific instances to restore lost content. But without such posts appearing in my list, I have no way of doing this.