I've been here a while, and done a few rodeos and, the quality of blog posts feels like its hit rock bottom at times. I admit there's some great ones but considering Stack Overflow as a company is in a wee bit of a transition, it might be a good time to go "maybe you guys should revisit it".
I do get that a big focus of the blog is to help market SO Careers and jobs related stuff. That's fine. We get reminded a lot that helps keeps the lights on.
We do also have a tradition of excellent blogs that shed light on the product - Jeff was pretty much a blogger before he started SO and it probably showed. Blogs also did a very good job at announcements - something Q&A hasn't been great at.
Many of new blogs however, are terrible. I don't want to name any names because I'm almost convinced that there's a stash of unpublished ones with these issues so blaming anyone does no good.
Many of them generic and vapid at best (though there's some tolerable ones), basically lists of links of resources that would get heavily downvoted on the QA networks. Someone said they look like buzzfeed titles - which I don't disagree with. In some cases, I'm pretty sure I've read better written, stuff by the same people who wrote the blogs in question.
Now that I've gotten all the horrible things I wanted to say... Stuff like this post is both more helpful to developers and readable, than 5 great resources for learning lolcat.
The former tells a story, its useful to developers (and as a non developer, I stopped in the middle of what started as a slightly angry rant and went "daymn" Nice work Mr Larsen.). The latter dosen't really do much more than point people at external links, and does little to sell the Careers Product in my opinion.
I do miss how we used to get blog posts about new things, and often find out about them from other users or MSO. And I really miss those old infrastructure posts on the old serverfault blog (Now rolled into the engineering tag in StackOverflow.Blog).
As far as Careers goes, the narrative as far as the blog feels lost. Its "Do these things!" "Look at these things" but never "Here's how we can help you". Almost tempted to say Careers hiring success stories would work better, but I suppose that needs someone willing to talk about it. Once again - there's no narrative, just lists, ordered or otherwise in the current posts.
Channels is the coming thing. In the terms that we used in the old days - We had the trilogy, and SE 2.0's maybe the Extended Universe now (I decline to guess which site's the Christmas specials) . Careers sometimes feels like the prequels (may it stand the test of time better) - they should be building on our story, but sometimes feel... kinda out of place. The refocus on Q&A and Channels could be the sequels - a chance to revisit the stuff that was done right but for an new audience.
So yeah, could we see more useful, less "listy" blog posts that help sell the SE model to folks? More stuff about stuff people actually face, and maybe even the network and the neat new things in the pipeline?