The question Mod team updates and site status on Code Review Meta contains a SEDE query by @rolfl to compare sites on how many of a certain badge they have. My eyes fell on the following comment

Note that 'Caucus' is listed in the results. This is a special badge that is not used to rank the sites. The Caucus badge is awarded when there's an election, so Caucus is only used to identify graduated, and non-graduated sites.

which was a neat trick, but it doesn't work anymore since we now have elections on beta sites, which award Caucus badges as well.

What other options do we have to distinguish beta sites from graduated sites?

1 Answer 1


A couple of ideas:

  • Check for Caucus badges awarded before May 15th, 2018, but this will produce false results for sites which graduated after that date. (FWIW, there have been none so far, but they could be 'hard-coded' in the query.)
  • Check for Sheriff badges - these are only awarded on graduated sites, but it takes about a year after graduation for them to be awarded, so those exceptions have to be hard-coded as well.
  • Check for users' reputation and the actions they take. E.g. if all recent edits (to non-Community wiki posts) are made by the authors or by people with 2000 or more reputation, you know it's a graduated site. The trouble here is that users can go under the threshold after posting bounties (suspended users are rather easy to filter out by reputation).

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